SSbD Resources for SMEs
producing nanomaterials

Are you producing nanomaterials?
Learn how to make your products more safe and sustainable!

“Nano” is neither good nor bad – it only describes the size of the particles. But it is important to know how safe and sustainable the given nanomaterials are before you create your product.


Are you placing your product on any of the following markets?

There are nano-specific regulations  and recommendations depending on what your product is and where you intend to market it.

Here is an overview of the National Reporting Schemes from ECHA.

Are you placing your product in any of these sectors?

NOTE: Nanomaterial regulatory compliance is still an evolving field. It is suggested to first consult with compliance specialists to ensure your business meets the nano-specific conditions before proceeding.

Consider using the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design approach!


To learn how to make your products and processes safer for humans and the environment, we recommend the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) approach.

SSbD is a voluntary framework to help transform your product and manufacturing process to reduce negative impacts on people and environment.

For example:

– Creating products free of toxic substances
– Considering environmental impacts of raw material selection
– (Re)Designing products and processes that reduce pollution

This can also be practiced along each step of the life cycle!

Helpful resources

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    The DIAGONAL Nano-Awareness Survey for SMEs has been developed by: