Decision Support Tool

Navigating the tools, approaches and methods to keep your technology safe and sustainable

Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) is an approach that supports the design, development, production and use of chemicals and materials so that they minimise or completely avoid harmful impacts on humans and the environment.

A large number of assessment tools have been developed in recent years. So how can you decide which of the many tools for assessing SSbD are the most appropriate for your material?

The digital DIAGONAL SSbD Decision Support Tool supports consultants, researchers, industries and regulators on the selection of the best suitable SSbD strategy for new or existing HARNs or MCNMs.

It has been developed by ITENE, integrating tools and methods from several partners within the H2020 project DIAGONAL. It will be hosted on the Enalos Cloud by NovaMechanics.

Watch our video above to learn more!


This video was made by BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (BNN), with support from Brimatech Services GmbH and Instituto Tecnologico del Embalaje Transporte y Logistica (ITENE).